Claude Sullard, Jr. around 1940

Claude Sullard, Jr. and wife Carolyn

Aunt Birdie Sullard, Mom(Carolyn) and Dad(Claude), Uncle Harry Sullard, Cecelia Sullard, Jim Baldwin Sr.

Claude D. Sullard (C.D)

Brothers C.D. and George Sullard

Siblings C.D., George, Sue Sullard

Dad(Claude) Sullard. He was a police officer in the 40's.

Dad (Claude) and Sue in the background.

Our dad Claude Sullard, born July 5, 1922.

Cousins Charles Eldredge and Sue Sullard were ring bearer and flower girl at Doris and Harlan's wedding. We were 5. I pinched Charles from what I am told.

Dad(Claude) holding Sue.Harold Nicholson in the background. Probably late fall or winter of 1947.

Claude holding Sue

Dad was a boxer. He was known as Wichita's fighting cop. I remember seeing him box as a young child.

Claude Sullard

L-R: John D, Grandpa Sullard(Claude Sr.) holding our Dad Claude Jr., Grandma(Marie) and Vivian.

Dad(Claude), brother Arch, and their dad, our Grandpa Sullard.

George Sullard

Mom(Carolyn) posing in the grass skirt she received from her Uncle Elmer Denney when he was in New Guinea while in the service.

Mom in her grass skirt again with Dad.

Mom and Dad.


Mom and Dad

Sue Sullard

Sue Sullard

Sue, George, and C.D.Sullard

Sue holding baby brother Harry, C.d. George, and Debbie Sullard

Sue Sullard..1947. Grandma always told me people would stop and ask what mom fed me that I was so fat! Mothers milk!!

Sue Sullard, daughter of Claude and Carolyn Sullard

Sue Sullard, oldest daughter of Claude Sullard, Jr. and wife Carolyn

Claude D Sullard also known as C.D., son of Claude and Carolyn Sullard

Mom and Dad on their 25th anniversary at Sue's house in Wichita...Aug.25, 1970

Mom and Dad on their 40th anniversary...Aug 25, 1985

Back row L-R: Sue, C.D.George, Debbie, Harry, Carolyn,Tina. Front L-R:Kelly, Dad, Mom,Randy

This page contains photos of Claude Sullard, Jr., (3rd child of Claude J. and Marie Sullard), his wife Carolyn (Smith) Sullard, their 9 children: Sue, Claude D., George, Deborah, Harry, Tina, Carolyn, Kelly, and Randy, and grandchildren.

Lori 26.09.2017 03:03

These pictures are WONDERFUL. I remember many of them. Happy times with the Sullard's

Lori Jenkins (I was married to Randy for almost 12 years)

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16.06 | 20:28

Hello All!

12.03 | 05:38

This was taken on the day of Grandma Sullard's (Carolyn) funeral. Though it wasn't the ideal time for sisters to meet up, it was good to see Heather & Cori!

09.02 | 16:43

Harold! You have done great work here. I appreciate your efforts.

09.02 | 16:34

I am the grand daughter to Bill(Wm. McKinley Eldredge) It is funny because my grandson has the same facial structure and ears as his great great grandfather.