Sullard Headstones
Family plot of Margaret Sullard
Harold has been busy as usual, finding more information and Troy is doing the leg work, this time taking photos of family gravesites.

The Margaret Sullard family plot is in Maple Grove Cemetery in Wichita, Ks.
Margaret was the wife of our Great Great Grandfather John Sullard, whose 4 children are:

 John Sullard (our grandfather), wife Abcenia Johnson
 Hannah (Bottjer)   
 Mary E.(Plumlee)...husband Frank Plumlee

Sullard headstone
This headstone shows Margaret buried with daughter Hannah, and granddaughter Carroll, who is the daughter of  Mary E.(Sullard) and Frank Plumlee.
Unmarried daughter of Hannah

Mary E.'s son Charles Marsh Plumlee

Plumlee headstone

Irene Kahn, wife of Charles Marsh Plumlee

Mary E. Plumlee, daughter of Hannah

John and Abcenia Sullard
Our great grandparents John and Abcenia Sullard are buried here. There are no headstones but Harold knows exactly where the graves are.  Follow the tracks from the tree to the left and they are buried in that row which runs parallel to the headstones in the picture.
John and Abcenia are in the Highland Cemetery which is across from Maple Grove Cemetery at 9th and Hillside in Wichita.

Latest comments

16.06 | 20:28

Hello All!

12.03 | 05:38

This was taken on the day of Grandma Sullard's (Carolyn) funeral. Though it wasn't the ideal time for sisters to meet up, it was good to see Heather & Cori!

09.02 | 16:43

Harold! You have done great work here. I appreciate your efforts.

09.02 | 16:34

I am the grand daughter to Bill(Wm. McKinley Eldredge) It is funny because my grandson has the same facial structure and ears as his great great grandfather.